Ralf Schindler - Talk 5 on Logic Summer School of Fudan University, 2020
Finish the last theorem of the last lecture: Force by a stationary set preserving forcing:
$$(M;\in,I)\xrightarrow[\text{of length } \omega_1]{\text{generic iteration}}(H_{\omega_2}^V;\in,\mathbf{NS}_{\omega_1}^V),$$where $M$ is a generically iterable countable transitive structure.
$\Bbb P_{\max}$ forcing and analysis of $L(\Bbb R)^{\Bbb P_{\max}}$;
$(\ast)$ and: $\mathbf{MM}^{++}\implies(\ast)$.
Ralf Schindler - Talk 5 on Logic Summer School of Fudan University, 2020